Friday, January 10, 2014

October 15, 1938

October 15, 1938
Friday evening
Dearest Carolyn,
No postage due – but after seeing Dad’s special and feeling like I had been hit with a brick or sumpin heavy, I thot Uncle Sam had been cheated.  Was awfully sorry you had such an experience.  Monday seem to be your unlucky day.  Was glad you got over it so soon – and so well.  Dad will ans. That – he didn’t offer it to me or even leave it where it could be found.
                I haven’t found any brown handkies of yours yet – nor the films.  The pop corn pops fine – at rate we have used it – there won’t be nearly enough of it.
                Guess I haven’t told you that school got a new talkie movie.  They traded the old one in – haven’t heard who is going to pay for it.  Beth thinks it is fine.
                Dad signed her Basketball slip this year – she was all upset about and cried etc.  I hope  it’s OK I didn’t like to do it but she sure was tickled and has studied so long and hard since then – so perhaps its for the best.
                After doing most of ironing Monday I decided to rest a min. before I cleaned up.  Someone came to front door and Dad went to ans. And was greeted with a burst of laughter – Mabel Liddle and George Schick from Tulsa.  They had been to Chicago on business and were on way to Kates.
                Oscar the squirrel visits all around town – sometimes he is away for a day or two – but comes back.  He is so cunning.  I had a pail of water down by garden and he came running along – hopped upon the edge and drank for several minutes.  Carl put a box in their walnut tree for him.
                All our plans for our trip were shattered this AM when someone in office told dad that teacher’s institute is last week in Oct – the 27th and 28th .  The leaves will all  be gone by that time.  Beth hadn’t heard a word about it in school – so we called Goldie – to make sure.  We knew it was Old Gold day but that we could go to Turkey Run, Sun – and take you and perhaps Ernestine along – we thot you could get away for the day with your folks – couldn’t you?  Soo – we don’t know wha-at! Will let you know if there are any developments in case.
                You were going to ask E. What “Half and half” meant on Great Northern R.R. menu card – remember?  You havn’e mentioned Rowena and her visit lately so suppose you are skipping it – for the time being.  Beth has a blind date for tomorrow night.  John Taylor brot some kid home today and had Bernice ask her to go out with them for evening – don’t know just what. 
                You failed to tell me about Ardellas sweet farewell when you left for Mont.  I would like to try some of ‘em myself about now.
                I sorta wish you had come home with Franks last week – but knew you couldn’t with Elvie coming to see you.  They planned to leave here about eight Sun. morning and would “get home sometime during the night.”
                Dad just brot in your letter and his ans. For me to read – said I had better translate it for you.  I have fixed up some of words until I think you can read it all.  He had a mild attack of kidney stone before he went to Indpls. But it didn’t last very long or sever like he had years ago.  His cough and cold are clearing up – hope he doesn’t get any more.
                Virgil and Eve were here yesterday evening while UGIE HAS FOUR BABIES.  They like Evelyn’s new hubby – they have gone to housekeeping in Dr. Elfers old home – just have lower floor.
                Your letter to Georgia sounded as smooth and flowery as if she had written it – so no doubt she will be glad to get it. Very lovely!
                Beth had three tests today – two under Ratliff and poor kid was so worried especially about chem.  She seem to like it but gets things so mixed up – “she would.”
                Nite, nite honey chile – Coming to Indpls tomorrow?
Kay Mahler is to be on the 4H program – next month – first Sat. of Nov.  Farm and House hour – She goes to Madison tomorrow to give the demonstration with Doris V.
Sat. AM another fine day.  Everyone as usual – hope you are OK – you didn’t say what you weigh – why!
Bailey wants us to go to Madison tomorrow PM to church unification celebration its very doubtful.  Hetrick is still sick and has asked him to conduct his Quarterly meeting at W. Fork today & tomorrow.  It’s our preaching day – so we will just go up there.

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