Saturday, September 14, 2013

September 24, 1938

September 24, 1938
Friday PM

Dearest Carolyn,
                I intended to write last night – but it was late when we got home from the League party – and I worked on your dress hoping to finish it in time to send on 36 today – till Dad made me go to bed.  I was all in – have had a “Cruncher” in my neck and shoulder this week and was tired too.  We had a round with the Nash clothing man yesterday – finally decided on a black and white diagonal top coat.  Then Virgil came and talked and talked – a little later Dale drove in with one of new Plymouths with gear shift on steering wheel – I had to go for a ride and drive the thing. Dad is talking about trading the Durant.  I don’t like the looks of front but like some of other things.  Suppose one would soon get onto that gearshift, but it seems rather queer.
                B. and I had gone up to Mahlers Wed. Eve. To decide on games and refreshments etc.  Mrs. M. seems weaker to me but was sitting up by the stove which was propped up on a pile of bricks – in the dining room.  We bought lemons, oranges and cakes at Hornbachs and B. & I made lemon-orangeade last eve.  The kids had a ball game here with Lawrenceburg – sore was 3-0 for Lawrenceburg until almost the last of game when G. made three runs in a bunch and then more which was 4-3 for G.  – and were they wild!!!
                I had a lovely letter from Steve – if Wheeler had taken his vacation when he planned he would have been on the very train that had the bad wreck – but he changed to a later date to accommodate another fellow in the office.  The R.H. Smith family entertained Mary for a few days – it was funny to hear Steve tell about it.  They went to town” to learn how to shop and use good taste.”  Coz Betty Sue took them to lunch at some swell place they gave a dinner party for her – “Janet presided at the head of the table – and used the foot bell – Marie very correctly acted as maid.  “A taste of a very different life, that which we simple folks live.”  She sent a snap of Mary in a beautiful suit and a canoe on Charles River -she and Wheeler had been canoeing – he evidently took that snap.
                I’ve taken another look for your films and haven’t found them yet – could they be put away in some of your things?  I looked thru the stuff in top dresser drawer in guest room.  We can’t find the orange stick either – high or low.  The pencils finally came from Script – your pencil is black and little pencils were green and black – you certainly have a goodly supply of leads – two long boxes and two short ones and whole box of erasers.  Did you order all that lead?  I fixed up the little black one – a tin of leads and an extra eraser in a little box for Libbie and wrote “In memory of Lake Michigan & St. Joseph” and signed your & B’s name – I mailed it a few days ago. 
                The kids have their rings and are pleased with them.  B. has made an enlargement of it.  I think they are rather fancy but they like ‘em - - so why worry?  Had a card from Katherine she wants us to go in on a present for Evelyn so we will get another clock I guess.  Virgil said he thought Georgia was one of attendants.  K. said they were invited to Roy’s Sunday for dinner & that it would be too bad if we got two bids for the same day – she needn’t have worried – so for Lida’s is the only one!
                Had stoker running for a few days – wells boy fixed some little thing about it.  Dad has been trying it different ways to regulate it – hopes stoker man will come out soon to explain.  It makes the hottest fire and heats up fine – too fine for mild weather.
                I thought they talked about the East Fork Stone Church for Taylors.  That before you left.  They built it with small rock – about 6 ft. square and 4 high – made little windows and a door, clapboard roof – had green grass all around base of it.  Guess they will take it to Cinti.
                B. came home from school in tears tonight.  She has a cold – to begin with and felt punk – got a low grade on her Civics test and has one in English Mon. and don’t know a thing about it.  She washed her hair ad before she got it fixed John W. and Willard came wanting her and Kay M. to go to show tonight – she got out of it on account of her hair but has been all out of sorts – all evening – what a life!  Bob Kennedy wanted a date Sun. – she told him she was going to Patriot wouldn’t be back until late.
                The green dress didn’t change any so I shortened sleeves and skirt - !! I didn’t make it as short as some for fear it might draw up.  It seemed to wrinkle easily.  I had to change some of buttons on the long dress – after getting some on – I noticed how they caught the light and that they should all go the same way of the goods – sooo – I was wondering if it would be a good idea to lay it in paper folds in a box.  The skirt is so circular and heavy.  I’m afraid it will sag down.  I’ve kept it on guest bed – it doesn’t lay badly that way and doesn’t drag down on neck and shoulder part so much. 
                Dad has been feeling sorta punk – bowel trouble and then he cleaned farm and basement in one day and thought he got too much dust.  There is a lot of flu around and school kids have terrible colds.  From that B. says – things are going at a worse rate than last year – kids acting awful – no order or restraint – but what to do about it!  No wonder they got low grades – it seems they do everything but work and study.
                Dad has first Med meeting, T.B. meeting – a wedding and an invitation from Dr. Martin for a special dinner at their house – next Thurs. evening!  He will choose first and let the rest go hang.
                Suppose you saw in paper about Mr. Brandt and Andrews getting killed at Weisburg Crossing Wed.  We have heard so many stories about the way it happened – Bill had just got back home the night before it happened – came over to Esters and was so tired after riding on bus so far – he went to bed and slept until they called him about 11:30 AM.  Their funerals were today – they should have them together as they couldn’t tell what was who. 
Your letter was first news about the Preachers.  Sooo?  You’ve “definitely decided to go to Chi[cago]?”  When?             
Sat. AM – lovely day – hope you and knees are OK.  Where will you use the afghan you’re talking about – I don’t know what color would be best – peach is always lovely.  I didn’t know you had two teaching jobs – it sure will keep you humping.  Dad says he doesn’t want to ask for passes unless you’re sure you’ll use them.  Mail time.


kbmulder said...

This one I love because my grandmother drew a picture of her class ring (Guilford High School 1939)! Also, the R.H. Smith mentioned was a college friend of my great grandmother who ended up being a renowned aeronautical engineer at MIT. Interesting.

Special K said...

Feeling PUNK!

Wow, who got killed at the end?

kbmulder said...
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kbmulder said...

The men who were killed in the accident were to local farmers and friends of both my grandmother and grandad's familes.

I do like the expression "feeling punk." I also like how washing hair was really a reason to get out of doing anything!